Sunday, April 27, 2008


Aloha everybody,

well another weekend has come & gone. Not too much new over-by-here. Got some things done around the house (in fact, still doing stuff around the house...)

...but a commercial about the new Iron Man movie came on the telly & reminded me that the annual "Free Comic Book Day" should be right around the corner & sure enough, my memory finally has served me well. I know Marvel comics likes to come out with their new movies around this time of the year (heard it was because of Stan Lee's birthday, don't remember where I heard that, or if it's really true...) but anywho, ever since all the Spiderman & X-Men movies came out, it has started a new found love of comic books with my daughters ( & given me reasons to dig out my old ones over the years too...well, that & signing up for swaps at swap-bot pertaining to comic books...) Anycrap, once we found out about free comic book day, my daughters & I try to go to whatever store is celebrating it! Turns out there's a store not too far from home, so will be hitting that one on Saturday! (Saturday May 3rd is this year's date....I think it's the first Saturday of May every year....) Anywho just wanted to share that tidbit with whomever may be interested....

Again not much else new, finally getting my sewing corner back to normal (whatever normal was...) thanks to hubby's help. He made a shelf above my sewing table & a small bookcase for me to have a place to put some of my junk so it doesn't clutter up my table. (Poor guy will do anything to help me fix all my clutter! )

I'm also hoping to download some more pictures (hope to have some new ones up tomorrow...) to put on the blog...

Had Hula yesterday & we ended up playing ukulele for most of class time ( which the ladies did enjoy, so will be adding that into class every now & then...)

well that's all for now!! Hope everyone had a great weekend & hope your week is full of possibilities as well....

A hui hou,

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